E.G. White Topics

Thirty-some odd years ago, when the first E.G. White CD-ROM was released, I happily paid out the $300 and got to searching. I quickly realized that "search" was good, but I needed a system for "retrieve" as well. Eventually, I found that I could create "highlighters," that were useful not for all the pretty colors, but because they could be named. Bingo! Now we're talking about "topics," all of which could be recalled in a flash.

Three-plus decades later, I've got 610 topic highlighters with which I regularly mark passages of Ellen White's writings as I read. I just checked, and I've currently got 22,615 different paragraphs tagged with one or more (often more) of these highlighters.

I thought it would be fun to share a few of these collections in raw-dump form. When I get a little free time, I'll try to make it happen. For now, though, I managed to find six PDF's that I've put together at someone's request in the past. There's nothing organized about them, except that for one reason or another they all got tagged with the same topic. I haven't generally gone to the trouble of stripping out all the other highlighting, so that can be a bit of a distraction. But if you know how to look at "text styles" (not paragraph styles), you can see what all those extra colors are about.