Dave Fiedler Presentations

These are PDF's of different presentations I've given over the years. Since each "era" tends to reflect the topics I was studying at the time, and since I ended up writing books about those topics, I've grouped these talks into groups that are "related" to the content of my books. It's not perfect, but it sort of works.

The Hindsight group carries the series title of "Adventist Futury" rather than "Adventist History." The idea was to stress that history, just for the sake of history, is—as Henry Ford so nicely put it—"bunk." Learning for the future is of more value.

Please note that most of these  PDF files include "notes" that will usually make the flow of thought reasonably clear. I may not have payed much attention to the details of the notes as I was talking, but they should be a good indication of the direction I was trying to go.

For those who prefer to listen rather than to read, most all of these talks are available on Audioverse, sometimes in multiple versions or near equivalents. It can be confusing, but if you find something with the same title, it should be reasonably close to the files here. And, for that matter, I try to make sure that Audioverse has the documentation to pair up with each recording. On any individual item page, scroll down a bit and look for an "Attachments" box.

The two "Harry Truman" videos go at the very end of "Pulling the Trigger." The point is that sometimes everything changes all of a sudden, and how we have aligned ourselves with that change can make a lot of difference.